The Home Interface allows you to get a snapshot of activity for your team, as well as various other kinds of information from around the game. Each block of information is called a module. The modules that are currently active are checked in the list, on the right hand side. In this list you can check and uncheck to change which modules are visible. You can drag and drop the items in this list to change the module's order as well.
If you want to add modules to your view, under the list is a "Customize" link. Click this link and a dialog will popup, that shows you which modules are currently active. There currently are 3 different categories of module types : News Related, Statistical, and Management. The modules that are checked are what will be available for viewing. Simply check the ones you want in your list, and click update. Everything is customizable. You'll want to order your modules in a way that suits you the best.
The modules currently available are : Division News, Friend News, Custom News, Schedule Log, Scoreboard, Standings, Team Analysis, League Leaders, Roster, Bid Activity, Team Funds, Watch Lists.
Overview of available modules :Division News : Shows you the latest news updates from teams in your division.
Friend News : Shows you the latest news updates from teams in your friends list. Your friends list can be viewed under Settings.
Custom News : Shows you the latest news updates reflected by your current custom news settings. You can change what sources your custom news pulls from by going to the News Feed interface and clicking "settings" under the Custom News tab.
Schedule Log : The schedule log shows you the results from your last 6 games. You can click recap for more detailed information on each game. To see all a full history of your current season's games, click "View More Results".
Scoreboard : Shows a scoreboard of your games for the current day. This will show you up to date detailed information for games to be played, games in session, and completed games.
Standings : A view of your division's current standings. For a view a more comprehensive standings view, click on your division name link.
Team Analysis : This module provides you with a quick team statistical breakdown on how your team is currently performing vs how your team was performing. This provides a way for you to gauge which areas you may want to focus on improving your team. After 15 (your first 5 games) you can compare your last 15 to your first 15. After the 30 game point, you'll see another comparison column of your last, your last 30, and your season stats. The up and down arrows indicates whether your teams performance has improved or not in the areas listed.
League Leaders : This module displays basic and sortable statistics on the top pitchers and hitters in the league for a given stat. Players can be added to a watchlist from here as well.
Roster : Your current roster and pitching rotation (which can be modified from Team Management. This module shows you the roster and rotational order of your starters, as well some basic stats to evaluate their progress.
Bid Activity : This module shows you information on all the latest bidding activity in your league. This will show what teams, including your own, have been on what players recently listed by 3 categories : "Most Bids" (players that have had the most bidding interest), "Highest Bids" (players that currently have the highest valued bids) , and "Recent Bids". For more information on bidding in players in Franchise Ball, go here.
Team Funds : This module displays on overview of your Franchise's current budget (which can also be accessed from the Franchise Management interface). Along with these numbers, there are various pie charts you can view to see how your funds have been spent and allocated.
Watch Lists : This module displays a list of the watch lists you have created, as well as the type of list. There are currently 3 types of lists : Players, Minor Leaguers, and Teams). From here you can access your lists as well as add, delete and rename them. (these actions can be done from the Statistics interface as well).