Franchise Ball is a real-time baseball simulation and social network.
But ultimately, it's a numbers game, a game of statistics and strategy, just like owning and controlling an actual team.
An advanced, artificially-intelligent, fine-tuned baseball simulation which simulates games based on roster structures, performance trends,
and dynamically changing players.
Owners manage a budget along with every aspect of the baseball ownership and management experience.
Watch and manage games in real-time, or simply check-in on their progress as each season progresses.
Every month is a new season, with a regular season spanning the first 20 days, and the remaining days reserved for playoffs. Divisional and league champions
compete for the seasonal world title. Its free to play, with paid subscription options for enhanced features.
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{ Real-time gaming & ownership experience }
Owners have access to a player marketplace where they can bid in real-time for players for each following season.
Each player's contract lasts a single season, so every player in the game is up for grabs for the user who bids the highest.
Players can acquire and release free agents, and send up/down minor leaguers.
There is a player draft where users can place draft picks for college players within their draft pools.
There are many unique ways to acquire players.
Gaining capital through success, finding players that fulfill team chemistry, skillful management, and mindful budgeting are just some of the keys to building a championship team. And ultimately, one's success in Franchise Ball.