Team Information
This historical team is no longer active
Midland Roughnecks (670 - 311)  .683
Franchise : Sandbags Active Seasons  118-134
World Titles0 League Titles3  (126, 124, 123) Division Titles9  (131, 130, 129, 128, 127, 126, 124, 123, 122)
Team History
Team Conversation
Bombers : 
That is crazy
8 months ago
Yeah its crazy its been happening for multiple days
8 months ago
Bombers : 
You wonder how these glitches just hapoen?
8 months ago
Yeah its crazy I told Josh about it he said hed look into it
8 months ago
Bombers : 
Why is your dh batting twice in a row?
8 months ago
Ur gonna win a WS before szn 130 Im calling it
10 months ago
you had beef with everyone
11 months ago
No like u sayin stuff but I dont rememebr if I had beef with u before or what team u even were before.
11 months ago
And I still do not care
11 months ago
Im sorry I still dont know who u are.
11 months ago
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