Team Information
This historical team is no longer active
Spokane Optimals (271 - 209)  .565
Franchise : Lake City Optimals Active Seasons  113-117, 121, 134-137
World Titles0 League Titles0 Division Titles0
Team History
Team Conversation
hey dude, if i was you, i wouldn't have bid on Antonio. 75% chance he retires at 10:00 PM EST
2 years ago
Thanks for the offer! I think Im getting things figured out okay all on my own, but Ill be sure to let yall know.
2 years ago
Aces : 
Welcome! Love the name. Let me know if you have any questions!
2 years ago
Diablos : 
Welcome to Franchise Ball! If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me a message :)
2 years ago
Thanks! Im glad I was able to find this site before the new season began.
2 years ago
Admins : 
cool name
2 years ago