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Season 84 Rankings
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Player hitting rankings for the world.
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Player Team AVG RBI SLG XBH OBP Rank
Aaron Speight Centurions 0.293 38 0.596 34 0.321 411
Abel Abrams SHARKS 0.295 31 0.559 30 0.325 780
Abram Gann Pelicans 0.296 37 0.547 28 0.333 611
Abran Aguayo Houston Astros 0.282 36 0.538 29 0.325 753
Adam Rhea Cougars 0.320 46 0.680 29 0.350 396
Adam Riggins Oasis 0.299 43 0.593 34 0.339 298
Adan Esparza Royals0 0.296 46 0.567 31 0.328 352
Aden Klinger BC Battalion 0.338 34 0.590 28 0.375 488
Adolfo Florence Giants 0.335 37 0.645 37 0.366 207
Adrien Shuler Bengals 0.366 45 0.750 42 0.394 68
Adrien Snider SaskatoonSaskatc 0.290 51 0.633 30 0.320 373
Agustin Bustamante Bullets 0.346 34 0.628 36 0.381 262
Agustin Hernandez Pineapples 0.384 61 0.692 46 0.408 14
Agustin Valladares Bombers 0.316 37 0.543 29 0.359 445
Aidan Strother Baers 0.289 44 0.573 30 0.315 468
Alan Kane PonceLeones 0.288 31 0.538 30 0.323 857
Alarico Murillo Hogs 0.312 33 0.475 27 0.339 704
Alberto Duvall Marvols 0.348 52 0.739 50 0.388 45
Alec Irby Monotones 0.318 29 0.589 35 0.343 529
Alec Noonan Lions 0.340 24 0.582 31 0.360 925
Alejandro Gragg Marvols 0.353 62 0.710 42 0.377 28
Alessandro Matheson Lions 0.289 33 0.556 29 0.316 796
Alessandro Sturgill Sharks 0.319 37 0.629 36 0.332 259
Alexander Berrios Warriors 0.340 35 0.579 31 0.375 822
Alexandre Krueger Jagbombers 0.282 38 0.546 27 0.311 807
Alexis Dunne Mardi Gras 0.280 39 0.521 35 0.325 487
Alexis Pennell Okanagan Heat 0.326 58 0.674 35 0.364 109
Alfred Dean eagles 0.285 34 0.545 31 0.322 699
Alfredo Moreno Why Knot 0.326 44 0.692 32 0.371 212
Alijah Hackett Solons 0.278 36 0.583 35 0.302 640
Allan Capps Connor Stalker 0.276 36 0.553 36 0.324 571
Allen Pina Colonels 0.293 40 0.555 30 0.341 500
Alonso Feliciano Boxers 0.307 56 0.627 40 0.334 152
Alonso Valdes Yetis 0.302 30 0.562 33 0.325 657
Alonzo Turner Shimakaze 0.282 41 0.615 38 0.317 654
Aluino Aguayo Daddies 0.306 34 0.528 35 0.348 407
Aluino Deleon Master Batters 0.330 41 0.617 35 0.349 184
Alvaro Orozco Spitfire 0.288 43 0.624 37 0.310 379
Alvaro Robledo ballers 0.315 30 0.578 32 0.329 584
Alvaro Rubio HTFD_YANKEES 0.343 63 0.678 45 0.386 33
Alvaro Travis Wings 0.267 37 0.550 32 0.304 769
Alvin Buffington Royals0 0.318 39 0.572 23 0.351 702
Amari Herrick Tornados 0.301 30 0.512 31 0.320 819
Amari Hussey Danger Noodles 0.310 41 0.603 34 0.335 273
Amarion Wertz BBBB 0.293 31 0.563 33 0.330 675
Anbessa Corrales Seattle Snakes 0.318 41 0.531 23 0.345 655
Anderson Muller Tiger Sharks 0.276 37 0.535 28 0.308 848
Andre Estrella Roadrunners 0.278 36 0.521 28 0.296 853
Andres Arce Swagger 0.319 40 0.618 33 0.342 260
Andrew Dalton PRnacionals 0.468 53 0.865 23 0.476 458