Season 129 Rankings
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Player hitting rankings for the world.
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Player Team AVG RBI SLG XBH OBP Rank
Shane Killian Jackals 0.279 68 0.508 55 0.309 312
Mohamed Daniel Kaukauna Foxes 0.341 68 0.682 53 0.363 10
Smoot Betts Giants 0.362 46 0.721 52 0.398 17
Juan Main Boxers 0.316 44 0.599 51 0.359 144
Sage Chong Boxers 0.349 58 0.658 51 0.374 5
Nikhil Blackwood Dentures 0.327 58 0.700 50 0.362 35
Tony Mccarter Giants 0.291 64 0.654 50 0.317 106
Dario Strain Vegetables 0.337 67 0.759 50 0.366 7
Ginebra Casarez Geckos 0.353 56 0.767 50 0.386 2
Roque Amaya Cobras 0.355 61 0.738 49 0.394 3
Ezekiel Carpenter Hamsters 0.305 58 0.691 48 0.344 104
Jovany Pagan Kaukauna Foxes 0.335 40 0.658 48 0.359 225
Larry David ObZen 0.306 58 0.663 47 0.333 116
Leo Cabral Wolves 0.359 59 0.767 47 0.394 1
Avery Roger CamdenYards 0.337 44 0.633 46 0.363 82
Dalton Ferrell Atom Smashers 0.351 52 0.753 46 0.372 433
Noah Heffner Throbbers 0.312 45 0.654 46 0.349 75
Harry Bonner Shrimps 0.317 59 0.673 46 0.345 39
Calvino Ruiz Cobras 0.331 64 0.716 46 0.356 19
Ronnie Mccune CamdenYards 0.325 57 0.664 46 0.360 22
Cristobal Cornejo Boxers 0.317 49 0.630 45 0.358 148
Jose Bautista Hot Rods 0.314 63 0.668 45 0.342 238
Koby Beall Country Yankees 0.303 36 0.574 45 0.323 452
Jaylen Forte Sultanes 0.306 48 0.599 45 0.340 73
Bo Rayman Attack 0.279 38 0.558 45 0.297 504
Clark Small Buckeyes 0.322 45 0.659 45 0.361 77
Alvar Palomo Liftoff 0.300 47 0.607 45 0.332 100
Gaspar Godinez Spiders 0.278 63 0.648 44 0.321 412
Payton Cope Dragons 0.315 50 0.661 44 0.346 46
Abran Sierra Spoofly 0.313 31 0.604 44 0.355 490
Shemar Whitworth Magic 0.331 57 0.643 44 0.364 29
Fermin Valdez Raccoons 0.351 61 0.720 44 0.371 4
Jefferson Hyland Liftoff 0.321 45 0.624 44 0.352 263
Caiden Chappell Hot Rods 0.364 43 0.617 44 0.395 163
Kamron Rountree Newts 0.342 60 0.698 44 0.374 12
Everett Broussard Ghosts 0.306 39 0.575 43 0.332 533
Jeffery Dow PurplePonies 0.312 42 0.609 43 0.340 127
Rylee Albertson Islanders 0.316 44 0.672 43 0.354 97
Neil Jessup Paperdash 0.323 37 0.587 43 0.361 186
Manuel Groff Shrimps 0.335 49 0.711 43 0.384 48
Treyton Padgett Roughnecks 0.307 57 0.693 43 0.344 38
Vicente Layman Sting 0.332 59 0.722 43 0.348 34
Deonte Muse Giants 0.329 50 0.643 43 0.356 63
Camden Pape Mavericks 0.307 53 0.693 43 0.326 85
Ohara Miku Breakers 0.335 43 0.643 43 0.359 139
Rayman Hidalgo Spiders 0.294 54 0.616 43 0.331 121
Guillermo Caban Nipplebockers 0.330 52 0.632 43 0.352 16
Zander Forest Knights 0.343 58 0.731 43 0.365 6
David Diaz Kaukauna Foxes 0.330 60 0.608 42 0.361 30
Curtis Gaskins Throbbers 0.307 59 0.693 42 0.348 88