Team Information
This historical team is no longer active
Furlong Miola Maulers (325 - 191)  .630
Franchise : Miola Maulers Active Seasons  108-115, 120-121
World Titles0 League Titles0 Division Titles6  (115, 113, 112, 111, 110, 109)
Team History
Team Conversation
Good team
10 months ago
Bombers : 
Tough loss. You had a good season.
2 years ago
Bungus : 
Thanks for the tip man!
2 years ago
Devils : 
sorry for the bids, wasn't looking at whose players they were
2 years ago
Devils : 
pls see my trade
2 years ago
Thanks, looks like my team is staring to find their game. The bats are hitting, but need to solidify the pitching some.
2 years ago
Solid start to the season! keep it up and you'll get another division title!
2 years ago
Riyas : 
hoping to at least get a league title out of this season
2 years ago
Riyas : 
yes lol I made world series in 105 and lost 3-1 and then had a heartbreaking exit in the league finals last season
2 years ago
Thank you. I suppose your looking for that first Title? :-)
2 years ago
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