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Season 63 Rankings
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Player hitting rankings for the world.
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Player Team AVG RBI SLG XBH OBP Rank
Abdullah Redd Jazz 0.266 36 0.471 29 0.290 717
Abdullah Winstead Marvols 0.328 37 0.550 30 0.365 341
Abel Coffey Jay Hawks 0.295 42 0.587 36 0.322 261
Abram Hopper Dolphins 0.291 38 0.516 20 0.325 979
Adan Collado Diamondbacks 0.291 28 0.542 31 0.329 720
Addison Juarez Dawgs 0.294 31 0.516 32 0.318 656
Adelio Mena Ratchets 0.308 43 0.629 36 0.336 150
Adolfo Liddell Dolphins 0.279 40 0.566 36 0.299 459
Adonis Mccool Padres 0.287 43 0.565 29 0.343 449
Adonis Wild DiamondBucs 0.291 33 0.556 27 0.310 706
Adriano Luna HTFD_YANKEES 0.282 34 0.498 29 0.312 788
Adriel Gilliam Fire Frogs 0.277 37 0.500 24 0.323 836
Adriel Mccutcheon Tigers 0.248 34 0.541 33 0.269 752
Ahmed Darnell Thunder Doggs 0.312 32 0.526 30 0.351 497
Aidan Hutcherson Boxers 0.347 53 0.665 40 0.371 12
Alan Chambers Sluggers 0.275 41 0.524 32 0.310 770
Alan Wheeler PowerRiders 0.316 41 0.667 26 0.346 390
Alarico Delvalle Grays 0.322 35 0.563 24 0.347 591
Alba Gastelum Generals 0.266 35 0.484 29 0.313 753
Alberto Orozco Admins 0.288 44 0.604 37 0.315 266
Alden Cress Kantai 0.266 40 0.533 34 0.295 494
Alec Greenlee Kennethdiare 0.283 26 0.526 31 0.311 849
Alec Zarate Albu Huskies 0.277 38 0.550 33 0.305 488
Alejandro Chacon Cubs 0.287 31 0.492 26 0.326 857
Alejandro Matias Reds 0.275 38 0.502 24 0.301 872
Alexandre Brigham Hawks 0.303 30 0.517 23 0.328 880
Alexandro Hadley Sentinels 0.236 37 0.524 27 0.270 935
Alexandro Hargis WhalerHawks 0.386 54 0.772 43 0.420 5
Alexzander Beavers RED ONIONS 0.266 46 0.561 39 0.292 375
Alfonso Nino Yankees 0.227 37 0.435 27 0.254 977
Alfonso Saucedo Springs Blaze 0.336 26 0.573 39 0.372 396
Alfonso Snider Broncs 0.299 38 0.496 24 0.328 726
Ali Heard Smokies 0.312 32 0.565 25 0.347 679
Alijah Hughes Tigers 0.298 42 0.554 27 0.339 465
Alijah Monaco Storm 0.289 43 0.635 34 0.318 510
Allan Saxon Kaukauna Foxes 0.302 49 0.596 37 0.320 189
Alonso Valladares Smokies 0.295 32 0.487 31 0.321 574
Alonzo Serrato Raptors 0.337 57 0.663 41 0.380 15
Alvar Guillen Yellow Jackets 0.325 33 0.509 22 0.360 708
Alvaro Haase YARD GOATS 0.359 52 0.730 38 0.381 13
Alvaro Villareal Dodgers 0.291 27 0.487 26 0.335 943
Alvin Powell Rettys 0.336 50 0.652 38 0.349 42
Amadeo Santillan Robertkic 0.309 34 0.551 33 0.314 382
Amarion Rash Rakuten Eagles 0.307 35 0.544 33 0.339 399
Ambrosio Lemus crazybear 0.305 29 0.476 23 0.325 892
Amoldo Manzanares Ratchets 0.309 40 0.548 34 0.351 207
Amoldo Rojo Peaches 0.348 23 0.618 27 0.376 724
Anbessa Corrales Warriors 0.318 51 0.628 37 0.342 85
Anbessa Rincon Tigers 0.340 56 0.700 39 0.360 18
Andres Seymore Warriors 0.327 43 0.593 39 0.344 112