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Season 47 Salaries
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Player Team Salary
Aaron Leonard Green Bay Goobers $600,000
Abram Kimbrough Barrow Brass Knuckles $600,000
Adam Abner Providence Patriots $600,000
Adam Kimbrell Anchorage SANTA SLIDERS $600,000
Adan Gordon Atlanta Media Moguls $600,000
Addison France Pitbulls $600,000
Aden Giles Oklahoma City Braves $600,000
Aden Rivas Carrollton The Wall $600,000
Aden Smithson Green Bay Kaukauna Foxes $600,000
Adolfo Abrams Louisville Colonels $3,000,000
Adolfo Bowles Las Vegas LAG TIME BOYS $600,000
Adriel Foster Bakersfield Winged Wonders $600,000
Agustin Day Coral Springs DOGMA $600,000
Agustin Jobe Cincinnati Bengals $600,000
Ahmad Bacon Lowell Invasion $600,000
Ahmad Banks Toronto Smoke Eaters $600,000
Ahmed Darnell Tampa Thunder Doggs $600,000
Ahmed Shapiro Louisville Reclaimers $600,000
Aidan Motley Madison Speed Demons $700,000
Aidan Yarbrough Tempe Tarheels $600,000
Alan Baker Kitchener Koopa Troopa $3,000,000
Alan Peacock Green Bay Kaukauna Foxes $525,000
Alberto Casanova Louisville Reclaimers $400,000
Alden Sage Houston Warlocks $400,000
Aldo Lundgren Lexington RED ONIONS $600,000
Alec Pratt Milwaukee BEERnCHEESE $600,000
Alexis Garland Durham DARKSIDE $600,000
Alfonso Abreu Atlanta Great Braves $700,000
Alfonso Baron Clarksville Mounties $600,000
Alfonso Damron Atlanta Media Moguls $600,000
Alfredo Bermudez Birmingham BIG SQUAWKS $600,000
Alijah Dowdell New York Rouge Nation $500,000
Allan Reagan Toronto Smoke Eaters $600,000
Allen Cone Mobile MozillaFirefoxes $600,000
Allen Farias Peoria Muppets $600,000
Allen Seiler New York Trumps $600,000
Alonzo Collado St. Louis Birds $400,000
Alonzo Ulloa Birmingham BIG SQUAWKS $600,000
Aluino Archuleta Baltimore Orioles $600,000
Aluino Narvaez Cincinnati Reds $600,000
Alvaro Dupuis Cincinnati Reds $600,000
Alvaro Madison Springfield Sluck Ducks $800,000
Alvino Alvarez Lexington RED ONIONS $600,000
Amado Villarreal Cincinnati Reds $600,000
Amarion Corcoran Baltimore Orioles $450,000
Ambrosio Guzman St. Louis Screwballs $800,000
Anderson Burt Thornton THE TRUTH $600,000
Anderson Song Edmonton Cozy Cats $400,000
Andre Gee Minneapolis YA GOTTA BELIEVE $800,000
Andres Ochoa Phoenix FooFighters $600,000
Andres Peralta St. Louis Screwballs $600,000
Angel Carmona Lowell Rippers $600,000
Angel Trimble Charlotte Chocolate Donuts $1,500,000
Angelito Arteaga Winnipeg Moose $525,000
Angelito Gamez Charlotte Chocolate Donuts $600,000
Angelo Marsh Jersey City AMERICAN ESKIMOS $600,000
Anibal Carrera Madison Speed Demons $700,000
Anselmo Benavidez Charlotte Carolina Bulls $5,500,000
Anselmo Suarez Madison Speed Demons $600,000
Anthony Pence Detroit Tortoises $600,000
Anton Apodaca New York Rouge Nation $600,000
Anton Penrod Hartford YANKEES $600,000
Anton Stinnett Pittsburgh Pizza The Hut $600,000
Antonio Guerra Cambridge Creepers $600,000
Antonio Mortensen Los Angeles Dodgers $600,000
Antonio Schwarz Jacksonville BUSHWACKERS $600,000
Antony Gutierrez Eugene Whats Ina Name $600,000
Antwan Dyson Charlotte Chocolate Donuts $600,000
Antwan Ocampo Las Vegas LAG TIME BOYS $600,000
Antwan Scroggins Roseville Sluggers $600,000
Aquila Garibay Virginia Beach jimmies $800,000
Aquilino Mota Edmonton Cozy Cats $400,000
Archibaldo Benavides Grand Rapids BBBB $600,000
Archibaldo Valdez New York Trumps $700,000
Ariel Shifflett Austin Apaches $700,000
Arlo Huerta Salt Lake City Cubbies $400,000
Arlo Palomo Hartford YANKEES $600,000
Aron Hannah Los Angeles Dodgers $600,000
Arturo Cantu Phoenix FooFighters $600,000
Arturo Escamilla Philadelphia Blue Jays $400,000
Arturo Segura Toronto Smoke Eaters $600,000
Asa Battaglia Amarillo Bulls $700,000
Asa Baumgardner Miami Mystics $400,000
Asa Jankowski New York Rouge Nation $700,000
Ashton Roman Miami Yankees $400,000
Aubrey Castaneda Quebec City Armada $600,000
August Holliman Cary ISLANDERS $600,000
Augustus Elliot Madison Speed Demons $600,000
Aureliano Anaya Cincinnati Reds $600,000
Aureliano Carrasco Kitchener Koopa Troopa $3,600,000
Aureliano Macias Chicago Dolphins $600,000
Aurelio Olivo Calgary Fire Birds $2,200,000
Austen Trombley Milwaukee BEERnCHEESE $600,000
Austin Holloman Charlotte Carolina Bulls $800,000
Austyn Earls Nashville Flint Hill Flash $400,000
Avery Clemons Dayton Dogs of War $600,000
Avery Weis Birmingham BIG SQUAWKS $600,000
Axel Saylor Hartford YANKEES $400,000
Ayden Cochran New Orleans Rusty Tollers $600,000
Ayden Sawyers Thornton THE TRUTH $600,000
Players below $400,000 omitted from list