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Season 9 Rankings
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Player hitting rankings for the world.
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Player Team AVG RBI SLG XBH OBP Rank
Aaron Blevins Indy Ballers 0.278 29 0.526 29 0.332 659
Aaron Koonce Emeralds 0.283 28 0.488 24 0.315 999
Abdiel Irwin Seattle Pilots 0.271 29 0.521 29 0.345 762
Abdullah Ashley skinner2401 0.276 27 0.526 30 0.314 804
Abdullah Gillen Indians 0.291 38 0.538 28 0.346 272
Abel Moses NH RiverDogs 0.271 41 0.511 27 0.322 456
Abraham Schmid Gulfstreamers 0.268 31 0.490 27 0.331 796
Abram Presley HookingFoul 0.356 51 0.599 32 0.407 43
Abran Venegas n00bs 0.332 42 0.615 36 0.384 15
Adam Field ROLLIN 420s 0.255 32 0.506 30 0.292 774
Addison Sanford Sasqwatches 0.273 40 0.564 34 0.324 219
Agustin Carson Aces 0.279 43 0.542 34 0.313 148
Agustin Joiner shaffers chasers 0.276 40 0.552 34 0.314 192
Agustin Kirkwood Submariners 0.253 44 0.563 30 0.307 668
Ahmed Dye Dodgers 0.260 31 0.481 27 0.297 994
Ahmed Kunz Fountainhead Leopards 0.272 39 0.488 24 0.295 711
Ahmed Reddick Centaurs 0.356 44 0.588 34 0.406 11
Aiden Pina Wolves 0.256 33 0.471 27 0.298 902
Alan Riggs Royals 0.289 39 0.538 27 0.323 399
Alarico Carrasquillo Crush 0.293 29 0.561 33 0.328 403
Alarico Salcedo Wolverines 0.242 44 0.520 32 0.276 787
Alden Cordova Los Gigantes 0.287 36 0.578 32 0.321 152
Aldo Cromer Cubs 0.263 34 0.453 24 0.305 1000
Aldo Staten Wolverines 0.304 26 0.519 34 0.356 587
Alec Becnel RileyG 0.294 28 0.534 33 0.351 454
Alejandro Hutchens Redstockings 0.268 37 0.550 29 0.302 394
Alejandro Keller Dolphins 0.251 43 0.571 30 0.311 576
Alexandro Velazquez Alex Beetles 0.309 49 0.618 36 0.344 16
Alfonso Hailey Denver Eagles 0.284 27 0.508 31 0.322 660
Alfredo Pagan JayBirds 0.282 26 0.506 33 0.328 706
Ali Horan Matts 0.268 43 0.554 35 0.304 320
Alijah Leon MYSLAW 0.305 37 0.610 34 0.341 95
Allan Schiller Randy 0.298 31 0.576 36 0.336 234
Alonso Knoll marty 0.252 36 0.482 26 0.278 932
Alonzo Baca Pilots 0.291 32 0.496 30 0.327 343
Alonzo Nguyen West Allis 0.287 36 0.543 27 0.328 379
Alonzo Otero Team Name 0.277 30 0.533 27 0.322 729
Alonzo Quintana Ghostdogs 0.316 26 0.500 29 0.367 661
Aluino Esquibel T-Ball Legends 0.280 30 0.493 25 0.319 861
Alvar Nieto mega 0.264 44 0.590 32 0.310 319
Alvaro Vanegas Mallards 0.277 32 0.524 27 0.321 604
Alvin Steinberg laxombra 0.264 32 0.434 24 0.307 958
Amado Garibay Corn Cobs 0.313 44 0.609 42 0.361 12
Amado Villasenor Redstockings 0.287 28 0.596 29 0.344 596
Amari Schwab pshaffer5 0.285 27 0.523 31 0.319 651
Ambrosio Lugo Kings 0.278 34 0.531 39 0.306 308
Anderson Mccracken Renegades 0.279 34 0.562 33 0.338 290
Anderson Zimmerman Nathaniel 0.250 36 0.477 26 0.308 903
Andres Gracia Cubs 0.313 32 0.562 25 0.377 529
Andres Haase Bayballers 0.238 45 0.523 29 0.301 876