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Season 7 Rankings
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Player hitting rankings for the world.
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Player Team AVG RBI SLG XBH OBP Rank
Aaron Blevins Indy Ballers 0.244 35 0.525 31 0.285 771
Abdiel Miles RSSJT 0.273 44 0.538 29 0.342 277
Abdullah Atkinson Centaurs 0.309 31 0.524 29 0.338 330
Abdullah Gillen Indians 0.307 32 0.504 26 0.360 466
Abdullah Muse cfrtb 0.251 37 0.481 28 0.300 707
Abraham Schmid Gulfstreamers 0.296 36 0.553 32 0.354 141
Abram Clanton joel 0.258 44 0.504 30 0.312 405
Abram Ladner American*Eskimos 0.271 37 0.506 26 0.309 564
Adam Baxley Defi 0.262 36 0.590 37 0.318 335
Adam Field ROLLIN 420s 0.243 37 0.527 27 0.275 980
Adan Esquivel Bats 0.271 31 0.530 26 0.325 843
Adan Hannon Mustangs 0.244 41 0.520 28 0.286 803
Aden Wilhelm David King team 0.294 36 0.570 29 0.322 215
Adonis Milton Freaks 0.284 29 0.515 27 0.331 701
Agustin Her green frogs 0.264 33 0.568 33 0.308 446
Agustin Kirkwood Submariners 0.282 42 0.577 33 0.336 129
Ahmed Boss Inferno 0.288 37 0.558 27 0.351 320
Ahmed Lawson Comets 0.268 45 0.520 27 0.302 437
Aidan Markley Aced 0.274 37 0.518 23 0.322 815
Alan Riggs Royals 0.254 35 0.492 27 0.294 816
Alarico Aragon Yankees 0.274 44 0.563 38 0.315 150
Alarico Orosco linux99x 0.297 42 0.578 30 0.350 116
Alba Montano Amerindians 0.256 30 0.525 32 0.286 782
Alberto Delacruz Test1 0.280 33 0.532 35 0.328 255
Alberto Zarate Xyclone 0.272 26 0.480 31 0.321 876
Alejandro Mccord Caroline 0.257 32 0.494 28 0.310 839
Alejandro Perales RayS 0.291 39 0.595 31 0.335 136
Alexander Andres The Popplers 0.292 28 0.547 35 0.332 398
Alexandro Goff Phanatics 0.317 36 0.565 34 0.336 67
Alexandro Velazquez Alex Beetles 0.262 32 0.500 27 0.318 840
Alfonso Hailey Denver Eagles 0.290 33 0.557 32 0.344 227
Alfred Lancaster KKCee 0.244 38 0.508 28 0.304 850
Ali Do Rainbow riders 0.335 38 0.538 26 0.380 253
Ali Horan Matts 0.286 44 0.564 33 0.342 92
Alijah Leon MYSLAW 0.294 32 0.540 33 0.330 229
Allan Schiller Randy 0.267 37 0.551 30 0.331 370
Alonso Knoll marty 0.284 34 0.520 24 0.332 673
Alonzo Douglass JackPots 0.256 35 0.488 27 0.305 784
Alonzo Otero Team Name 0.238 38 0.545 31 0.290 818
Aluino Esquibel T-Ball Legends 0.274 32 0.509 28 0.332 575
Alvar Nieto mega 0.294 40 0.567 30 0.324 140
Alvaro Oneil dodgers 0.286 30 0.559 30 0.354 443
Alvin Blakely Todd 0.301 30 0.541 30 0.349 358
Alvin Steinberg laxombra 0.276 35 0.540 29 0.313 363
Amadeo Estevez The Loo Loo Leav 0.268 30 0.544 32 0.313 584
Amado Garibay Corn Cobs 0.258 37 0.511 32 0.312 420
Amado Guardado Cardinals 0.246 35 0.491 28 0.292 894
Amari Guevara Charles 0.252 38 0.474 25 0.308 943
Amarion Knoll Sabers 0.268 32 0.544 28 0.324 645
Amarion Villalobos Orioles 0.263 29 0.494 29 0.322 871