Franchise Information
Roll Bobbies
Ownership Hux
Established Mar 31 2021
Total Value $ 16,100,000
World Titles 0
Team Portfolio
Est. Season 96 (22nd season)
Seasons 96-108, 127-135
Value    $ 16,100,000
World Rank    0
World Titles0 League Titles0 Division Titles2  (132, 102)
Franchise Admin
Franchise Profile
About Franchise
Season 95 33-30 Lost in the third round of the wild card to Miami Yankees
Season 96 31-32 Lost in the third round of the wild card to St. Johns Peace Sharks
Season 102 Division Champs 42-18 Lost in League Championship to Eugene Spitters
Season 128 30-30 Lose in First Round of Wildcard 6-5 to the Kansas City Royals0
Season 129 30-30 First round Wildcard exits to the Dentures losing 6-4 .
Season 130 34-26 First round Wildcard exits to the Chosen Ones 3-1.

Most strikeouts in a game Andy Littlefield 16 strikeouts against Dayton Black Sox