Franchise Information
Ownership Cam
Established Nov 7 2019
Total Value $ 0
World Titles 0
No teams currently owned Franchise Profile
About Owner
I own The A's Franchise they been here for 2 season's and feel free to ask me questions .

Prowling through the Competition
Division titles - 92|91|87|85|84|81|80|79
Rivals-Portland Venom , San Jose Panthers

Est 79 .

About Franchise
Panthers is an elite franchise started in 79 that mainly focuses on trying to build a Playoff contender team. We also focus on building a team that can win a World series baseball championship . We are a Pitching franchise & Offensive team

Franchise Records |
Hits - 683 | 85
Strikes - 470 | 91
Run's - 375 | 85
Win's - 47-13 | 80 - World rank 5th
Best Win Percentage - 783%
Best ERA - 3.6 or 3.5