Franchise Ball News

New playoff format is here

Sep 27th 2020 By Franchise Ball

Big changes coming for next season folks!  The new and improved playoff format along with league wildcards (on top of subscriber wildcards) is finally here!  Starting next season you will see a wildcard race for each league.  8 spots will be available for a fully filled league.  This will essentially DOUBLE the teams who make the postseason, adding for much more excitement and opportunity down the stretch.

Along with all of these changes you will see some user interface changes to the standings and archive pages, as well as the brackets when the playoffs start.  3 game series for league playoffs spanning 3 days, along with a mega bracket of ALL wildcard (league and subscriber) teams whom make the playoffs.  The remaining wildcard teams after 3 days will be granted a world playoff berth along with the league champions.  Obviously there is a clear edge to winning your division still, as you get 3 game series play (as opposed to single elimination), and only have to defeat 3 teams to advance to the world playoffs.  The world playoffs will operate much the same, and we will now have a 5 game world series instead of 3 games, as we had previously.

Let us know if you have any questions or comments.  We will respond to all your questions about this new format in the comment section below.  We look forward to this new era in Franchise Ball!  Good luck to all in season 90!

News Conversation
Hm. has anybody done the new math on when free teams should turn it on? It used to be two games before the playoffs, but it should be different now huh.
4 years ago
Pikes : 
4 years ago
Admins : 
Pikes : the DH allocation hasnt changed
4 years ago
Pikes : 
Do free teams get a higher max for DH then since there are more playoff games?
4 years ago
Oh yes! YES! Actually that changes everything. My girlfriend and I's anniversary is on the 25th and we usually make a point to hang out on the 25th, and i would miss a lot of the bidding days. this changes everything.
4 years ago
One thing I like about the schedule change is that bidding ends on the 26th. Now I don't have to worry about bidding on Christmas.
4 years ago
Admins : 
theres no way around it HTFD, because this is how we cut out the dead teams. sorry its frustrating
4 years ago
when you plan on playing certain teams and then when you are moved, messes your planning up. Thx!
4 years ago
Hi Josh, could you do something about teams getting moved during the season change? I was in Epsilon North and got moved to Delta North. I will stay in Delta for now as i had been in Delta a couple of years ago....but these moves can be frustrating
4 years ago
4 years ago
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